CASE STUDY: Highways England’s Hindhead Road Tunnel
“A major capital project on a greenfield site, with subsequent upgrades and long term support provided, and which culminated in B11000 accreditation for collaborative working”

The heavily congested A3 road through the village of Hindhead needed a bypass to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion, especially at peak times. The solution was to construct a new 6.7km road network bypass around Hindhead which included a 1.8km twin bore road tunnel under the Devils Punch Bowl, an area of special scientific interest.
“The installation went amazingly well, mitigating all risks…….A great well done to all at PDS for your efforts and we look forward to continue to having you on board.” Peter Apicella, Principal Engineer
Our scope was to design and supply the complete tunnel control system and subsystems including the fully integrated SCADA, communications network, Signs, Radio Re-Broadcast, Telephones, PA, and Lighting including control by PDS’ SCANLIGHT dimmable tunnel lighting control system, the Fire Detection systems, an innovative Radar Incident Detection system, and an interface with the Highways England’s “2nd generation” CCTV system.
The tunnel opened successfully on time in the summer of 2011.
Hindhead SCADA upgrade 2015/2016
The most recent project delivered into the tunnel was for SCADA System upgrades which were required to upgrade the SCADA System & Sub-Systems Windows operating system to Windows 8 or later; to upgrade the SCADA System application software to Panorama v6; to provide critical spares for the new Windows platform and to remove PC equipment hardware from the control room environment. Essentially the project was a safety upgrade since Microsoft had ended support for the existing windows XP operating platform.
“The installation went amazingly well, mitigating all risks…….A great well done to all at PDS for your efforts and we look forward to continuing to having you on board.” Peter Apicella, Principal Engineer
This client marked us 92.1% in a recent customer satisfaction survey.

A supported approach.
At PDS our philosophy is to support you from the initial concept through all stages of a project, and to be able to continue that support through asset life, servicing every aspect of your needs from our own team or with our partner companies.